Creativity is the child of pain

Please join me in welcoming this week’s guest to Your Voice Matters, Stetson Whitworth. Musician, Producer and Studio Owner.  We sat down to enjoy our conversation over a bowl of Pho which was a first for me. Stetson convinced me I would enjoy Vietnamese “fancy soup” so I gave it a try. Thanks to Pho Thin for the delicious food! Phothinutah


Stetson Whitworth
High Vibe Recordings

Creativity is the child of pain

FMG: Can you describe a time when you were able to create art from a painful experience you were faced with.
Stetson:  During the process of writing the self-titled debut album for “Living in Fiction” I was going through a difficult time in my relationship with my fiance.  I was engaged at the time but things were falling apart with us and as I was writing the songs they were coming from this space that was losing its very existence. The difficulties  were manifesting themselves  in the songwriting and as the album progressed to completion it became this foretelling of the ending of the relationship.  I found myself  grateful for a place to put my energy and someplace to focus on that kept moving me forward  instead of feeling lost as this four year relationship was coming to a close. I love this album. It’s a labor of love that gave me purpose and allowed me to create something tangible that I am proud of.  It was a cathartic and rewarding experience. Even though it comes from a difficult place I really love it because I worked so hard on it. Being able to process those emotions and get them out of me and into an expression of art. It’s a huge accomplishment for me.

FMG: How long have you been a producer and how did you decide to land on this chosen career?
Stetson: I have been been producing music professionally for 8 years and I have been in my current studio for 2.  When I was 11 years old I saw Blink182 in concert and knew I wanted to be a musician.  There was no question. A year later at 12 I was watching a documentary about the Used and saw them in the studio creating their album with John Feldman.  That was a pivotal moment for me because I realized I didn’t just want to create songs and sing. My vision was much larger,  I wanted to experience the entire process of creating an album and help other musicians to accomplish their dreams too.  Helping them develop their ideas and songs into completed works of art.   I set a goal to work with the Used and John Feldman and 10 years later  at 22 years old I accomplished that goal. I was in John's studio working with the Used as an assistant engineer on their album Vulnerable.

FMG: I am asking each of my guests to talk about a challenge they want to overcome. What is one of yours?
Stetson:The challenge I have for myself is to always improve on where I am presently. I want to be the best songwriter I can be.  You are always a student. You just build on your knowledge base and add experience and new opportunities to your repertoire.  

FMG: What is it like to produce music?  
Stetson: Producing really calls on you to exercise your creative expression. When you produce music you are always challenged to be present in the creative space where the ideas flow from.   Every day you want to be on your game.   It does start to wear on you.  I work with up to 20 bands at a time and have several different musical genres that I produce. I also perform additional services aside from producing. Videography for music videos, consulting with bands and advising them on what their next steps and artistic development should be.  

The first step in the process is pre-production.  I analyze the music and decide if it is good enough as is before we even start recording the final version. If a song won't stand on its own adding a bunch of sounds, elements and bells and whistles to it isn't going to help.  I will tell you what I think about your song.  I don’t have a problem doing that at all. If you don't have a good song you don't have anything. I  like to texture an album you know like a soundtrack enhances a movie that’s like what I do for the album by adding color and sound variation.

FMG: How do you unwind after a busy week in the studio?
Stetson: I play video games, ping pong, go outside and step away for a minute. I will turn off my phone and just disconnect from everything for a bit.

FMG: Would you say that you are a perfectionist?
Stetson: I would say I am a perfectionist but then no one really is. Once you realize nothing is ever done or finished then you realize perfection is unattainable.  You can always add or tweak something to change a song slightly but you would never finish anything if you did that.  You just have to accept that and move on.  This is who you are today and this is what you created from this place.

FMG: I am very impressed with how motivated and driven you are.  You've accomplished so much on your own and by doing things your own way.  How did you stay motivated during the lean years?
Stetson: I had nothing else better to do. It sounds lame I know but I didn't care much for the things I was spending all my time on. I felt like I was doing things to make someone else happy but I wasn’t happy. I was living to impress a girl.  I realized if I made the shift to doing what I wanted to do and spent my time and energy there that I would eventually become what I wanted to be; a music producer.  

FMG: What is a myth that you would you like to dispel about your industry.
Stetson: You're not going to come into the studio and record your songs exactly as they are the day you walk in the door. Changes are inevitable; that is the whole point of hiring a music producer.

FMG: Who has been an inspiration to you?
Stetson:Joel Pack of Rigby Road Studio and Quinn Allman former guitarist for the Used.  Quinn’s current project is with his wife Megan Joy called Vadawave.

I met Joel in his studio when I went in with one of my first bands . I was 18 years old standing in his home studio in his basement and I was blown away that you could do that in your very own home. I was convinced I had chosen the right career for me.  

FMG: What are you grateful for?
Stetson: I am grateful for life, for having the opportunity to live where I do and to wake up in the morning and write music.  I am grateful for my drive and passion to do what makes me happy.  

FMG: What is your next goal you would like to achieve?  
Stetson: I would like to finish building my current studio and to have a number one hit song on the charts.  
FMG: Can you tell us some of the bands that you have produced music for?
Stetson: The Used, Chelsea Grin, Insane Clown Posse, Our Last Night, The New Low,
Hearts in Hands, and Get Scared.

FMG: Do you have any words of encouragement to share with the artists that are up and coming?
Stetson: Keep going, don't stop doing what you love and don't let anyone tell you that your dreams are impossible. I am much more impressed by hard work and an open mind than talent with a bad attitude. Don't give up on your dreams and keep a positive attitude. Those two things go hand in hand together.

Thank you so much Stetson for your time tonight. Thank you for sharing your insight into the industry and the path you have traveled to get where you are today.  I really enjoy listening to your vocals and your music. My favorite song right now is an Living in Fiction original. "I won't be home for Christmas."

If you would like to hear more of Stetson’s music please join him and Dan on all of their social media sites. You can purchase their music on Spotify,SoundCloud, iTunes, AppleMusic, Google Play,  and Pandora.

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  1. Very well written ! I felt like I could really know Stetson by the way Susan was interviewing him. Please keep up the BLOG , i love it. I would like to see many more artist. Nice to see up and coming and locals.

    1. Thank you Tammie for your support! I am head over heels in love with blogging and am excited to introduce so many more local artists in the coming weeks!

    2. Susan, I really enjoyed this interview and must echo the previous comment by Tammie Cederholm, I really feel like I got to know and reaspect Stetson from your interview! Stetson and Living in Fiction(One of the coolest band names ever) have a new fan today as a result of your work. You had an awesome theme;"creativity is the child of pain"! Your question were very relevant and you were both very articulate (both song writers-go figure!). Like you a music lover and musician for most of my life I have an idea of how difficult it can be to get exposure, gigs and establish a fan base and you are doing so much for local musicians in helping overcome these difficulties. My son is in a local band (Sea Elephant #shameless plug) and am reminded of the amazing talent that surrounds us right here at home! I look so forward to future blogs from you/Fallow My Gig! RESPECT!
      Ryan Berg

  2. Thank you Ryan so much for your support!! I am so glad you like it!


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