
Showing posts from December, 2016

The journey to connection

I had the wonderful opportunity to catch up with my friend Holly Arballo last week and I am excited to share her with you as my guest this week.  Holly is a Singer, Songwriter, Musician who is originally from Vermont.  She recently received the grand prize for best original song "Winter of Love"  and the fan favorite award at the  Live and Amplified's 48 Hour Songwriting Challenge! She will be releasing that song later this month! Her song "October" was chosen for the "Songs For Life" compilation album made by the Crowdcare Foundation to raise money for cancer research and to give to the patients to help uplift them. It was judged by the Piano Guys and other judges from American Idol. Holly Arballo Singer/Songwriter/musician The journey to connection Susan: You and I have been friends since I started hypothesis testing for FollowMyGig about 3 years ago and we’ve worked together on a couple of projects since then.  We both rea

Impostor Syndrome

I had the great pleasure of meeting and talking with James Junius  Singer - Songwriter from Austin, Texas. This week’s guest artist for the FollowMyGig - Your Voice Matters Blog. I learned about his journey from attending college in Ephraim, Utah working in construction to making connections and moving to Austin Texas to write and record his debut release with Executive Producer Terry Lickona. I will definitely be reaching out to James in the future for an update on his adventures and to help spread his music when his album releases later in 2017. JAMES JUNIUS SINGER - SONGWRITER I had not chosen a topic for the blog and decided instead to just see where the conversation lead us. By the end of our time together we both agreed that:Impostor Syndrome was a great title and a topic we had revisited during out chat.  I could have just as easily titled it: "The boy that Fate kissed" James has definitely had some serendipitous adventures. Impostor Syndrome

Creativity is the child of pain

Please join me in welcoming this week’s guest to Your Voice Matters, Stetson Whitworth. Musician, Producer and Studio Owner.  We sat down to enjoy our conversation over a bowl of Pho which was a first for me. Stetson convinced me I would enjoy Vietnamese “fancy soup” so I gave it a try. Thanks to Pho Thin for the delicious food! Phothinutah Stetson Whitworth High Vibe Recordings Creativity is the child of pain FMG: Can you describe a time when you were able to create art from a painful experience you were faced with. Stetson:  During the process of writing the self-titled debut album for “Living in Fiction” I was going through a difficult time in my relationship with my fiance.  I was engaged at the time but things were falling apart with us and as I was writing the songs they were coming from this space that was losing its very existence. The difficulties  were manifesting themselves  in the songwriting and as the album progressed to completion it became this f