Fear is a Liar

This is the first installment of the FollowMyGig - Your Voice Matters blog.  I will refine it as I go, find it a permanent home and feature more guest content than my own in the future.  I haven’t interviewed anyone yet so I am sharing a bit of my own journey with you for now.

A brief introduction for those who don't know me.

My name is Susan Woodhouse I am the Founder and CEO of FollowMyGig.com. A startup company that has a website and mobile app that will allow local musicians the ability to book a gig directly with the venue. I have been developing the app for the past 3 years. Moving into my parents basement to build this company did not bring success as quickly as I had hoped for.

I have recently moved to Salt Lake City and taken a "real" job as the Director of Operations for Access Salt Lake. If you're an aspiring startup company come check us out. We have recently acquired the co-working space located at 175 W. 200 S. Garden Level of the Axis Building. We are in the midst of re-branding and remodeling and the results are going to be amazing! We will have circadian lighting, healthy food, a Yoga studio and the brightest entrepreneur minds in the state to work along side with! Okay, now back to my blog :)

Your Voice Matters

My goal for this blog is to allow you, my readers and FollowMyGig community members, to share your stories, adventures, hopes, dreams, lessons, and your voice with me and everyone else that FollowMyGig has brought together. In defining a format that will deliver useful content for everyone I chose to include a challenge to overcome, a myth to dispel, someone who inspires and something to be grateful for.  I do want to hear from each of you about your experience with whatever topic we are highlighting in the blog.  Please jump in let’s have a discussion!  My topic today:  

“Fear is a Liar”

I’ve had the opportunity to catch up with a few friends as the holiday season begins. We’ve shared memories, feelings and stories from each others perspective.  As I reflect on the past I realize that I was really hard on myself back in the day and had some very damning beliefs about pivotal events in my life.  My progress and development has been hindered by the messages and lies I carried with me from my past. I have been navigating from a place of fear based on those memories.  With my new understanding of old events I expect to make some huge gains in the coming year.  

I have also been introspective in an effort to learn how to push through recent plateaus.  I have learned fear is cunning and a chameleon.  Once you recognize it, acknowledge it, challenge it and then overcome it. It does not go quietly into the night. It says “You have only beaten me in this one instance, I will be back”  Or maybe, that’s just my experience. I would love to hear about your experiences in overcoming fear.  At any rate, I do see another expression of fear surfacing but I  am choosing not to hide from it.  Game on!  Challenge: Acknowledging that I like to hide from all things physically painful and move forward with my gym routine regardless.

With a new mindset and a challenge to overcome I decided it was high time to push beyond my “cardio only” regime at the gym.  After finishing my cardio today I went to the leg machines and began leg day!  I have some memory of what exercises I should be doing but not much muscle memory in my legs. Starting with leg exercises will give me a lasting memory for the next few days that I am willing to be present with pain :)  I also decided it was as good a day as any to dispel any myths I have about people that attend the gym.  I had questions about a couple of the machines and  didn’t hesitate to ask whomever was standing closest to me to show me the proper settings, feet placement, and reps for the best results.  Thanks to the two very nice, very helpful guys at my gym today.  Your random acts of kindness are appreciated.  Myth dispelled: “People are judging you at the gym and will only talk to you if you are of equal physical strength.”

I would also like to thank Trevor for reminding me that this day is a  very special anniversary for our family and one I don’t ever want to take for granted.  You are the best example for me of how to overcome physical pain with determination and a smile.  I am so grateful for all we have shared together.  You taught me to love unconditionally when your arrival made me a mother for the first time.  Taught me I was stronger than I ever knew I could be or would need to be during your health challenges and subsequent recovery and you taught me how infinite gratitude truly is and the strength that it can provide when needed.  You inspire me!

A quick shout out to another friend that inspires me with this photo - I like to call it: Squat Goals

sqaut goals.jpg

Thank you for joining me as I begin hosting this blog for FollowMyGig.  I hope you find it entertaining, helpful, insightful and maybe, hopefully, even inspiring.

I have a very talented pool of artists that I will begin interviewing and featuring in the blog.  Next installment coming soon.

If you would like to share your story, some music or an event please feel free to contact me:
Susan Woodhouse at info@followmygig.com or 801-988-9957.


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